
From the Artist…. “My life is wound around my family, friends and Nevada.  ‘Couldn’t do without that source of strength.  I have been an artist all my life; from drawing in the dirt with sticks when I was a kid, doodling on restaurant napkins, making art with rocks and sticks, to hand molding clay pieces while camping.  I paint, draw and play with clay in direct response to what I see and feel about Nevada’s land, animals, and spirit. Having spent years hiking Nevada’s Great Basin, I feel close to the land.  Surrealistic in my thinking, my work reflects big spaces and a point of view that is real, but maybe not.”


Julie La Croix, Nevada Artist


Born in Los Angeles, California, 1938

Moved to Nevada in 1967 until present.

Received BFA from Sierra Nevada College, Lake Tahoe.

Taught hand built ceramics at Sierra Nevada College.   Julie teaches clay workshops and exhibits frequently in Northern Nevada.

Works include painting, ceramics, and graphic art.  Ceramics feature sculpture, bowls, tableware, and tiles. Ceramics are hand built and fired at her studio with an electric kiln.  Each piece is made individually and is fired three times.  Julie uses oxides dug from the Nevada desert, slips, and glazes to achieve the look and texture desired.  Artwork is painted on each piece after the first, or bisque, firing.  Work is then fired to 2240 degrees to vitrify the clay and fire the art work and oxides onto the piece. Tableware and bowls are food safe and finished with a clear glaze.  Each piece is a little different, since it is hand built and hand painted.